• Please be prompt in reporting to the Parli Announcement Room prior to each Parli round. In order to do our part and keep the tournament running on time, we will need to work together once postings are up to be efficient in working through the striking process and get prep time started as scheduled.
  • All Debaters MUST READ and be familiar with the Parli rules for 2023-2024 (linked above).
  • Teams should bring a copy of these Parli Rules with them to each round.
  • Government Teams have the right to prep in their assigned competition room.
  • Parli is self-timed. All Teams MUST bring a Time Piece to EVERY ROUND. It is recommended that teams time each other so that protected time is respected.
  • Parli Debate covers a wide range of topics: current events, social issues, and philosophy.
  • This is not evidentiary based debate, but an engaging conversation based on head knowledge.


The Checkered Flag tournament staff have worked very hard to provide all six Parli Rounds with a “strike” option.

  1. Postings will go up at specified locations for Postings.
  2. All Debaters proceed to the Announcement Room.
  3. Find your room number on the wall and stand there with your opposing team.
  4. Resolutions will be read and three paper copies of the resolutions will be handed out to each set of debaters.
  5. GOV will have the option to strike first – 1 minute
  6. OPP will have the option to strike next – 30 seconds
  7. The remaining resolution will be circled or highlighted on each page.
  8. Hand in one copy of the resolutions with strikes and highlighted resolution to Parli Staff and each team will keep one copy for themselves. The Circled/Highlighted resolution is the resolution you will debate in your room.


  • Judges and observers are allowed to provide audible feedback respectfully during the round. "Hear, hear!" "Jolly good!"
  • Feedback should not be distracting or "drown out" the speaker.
  • Audience feedback should not influence the judge's decision.